任务 & 学习成果

自1980年成立以来,《博天堂官方》杂志 & 写作博天堂官方网站 Doctoral Program has been committed to preparing its graduates for faculty careers in rhetoric and composition. 该计划运用了一系列的方法——修辞, 文化, 经验, and technological--that characterize the discipline in the twenty-first century.  


我们相信修辞和写作能改变世界. 我们学习修辞学和写作. 采用不同的博天堂官方网站方法和方法, we learn about the role and impact of rhetoric and writing in various contexts, 社区, 和文化, and we share our research in a variety of forms to diverse audiences to change worlds. 我们教修辞学和写作. 借鉴我们这个领域对写作的了解, we design innovative curricula and classroom practices to teach students how to use writing to change their worlds. 最后,我们用修辞和写作来制造东西. Our research and teaching improves how we ourselves employ rhetoric and writing, and we make rhetoric and writing projects that change worlds through community engagement. 简而言之, BGSU’s Doctoral Program 在修辞 and 写作博天堂官方网站 prepares graduate students to be leaders advocating for the power of rhetoric and writing to change worlds and impact public good as researchers, 老师, 项目董事, 和作家.


什么是修辞学和写作学, and how do we participate in how it creates knowledge about rhetoric and writing? Doctoral students develop answers to these overall questions through the following core experiences: 

1. 行政:我们如何设计写作课程, 跨课程写作, and writing centers to support writing instruction for diverse populations of writers? How do we talk to and teach other writing 老师 and stakeholders about best practices? 

2. Community Engagement: How do we use rhetoric and writing to engage and change 社区 outside our classroom for public good? What are the possibilities of interdisciplinary collaboration for the study of rhetoric and writing? 

3. Diversity: How do diverse 社区, cultures, and identities make rhetoric and writing? 我们如何使修辞和写作易于理解和包容? 

4. 历史: What histories impact contemporary perspectives of rhetoric and writing? What do histories reveal about contemporary values and needs? 我们如何创造历史? 

5. Mentoring: How can faculty and students build relationships that connect emerging scholars with disciplinary networks and practices to support students’ learning and professional development? 

6. 博天堂官方网站 Methods: What methods and methodologies allow us to learn about rhetoric and writing? How do we ethically represent those we study and responsibly advance our understanding of rhetoric and writing? 

7. Teaching: What has research taught us about best practices for teaching rhetoric and writing to diverse populations of writers, 在大学写作和其他方面? How can we adapt these practices to help students transfer rhetoric and writing knowledge across diverse contexts? 

8. Technology: How have digital tools impacted rhetoric and writing? How do we use these digital tools to make rhetoric and writing? 

9. Theory: What theories help us understand how rhetoric and writing function? 我们的生活经历会如何影响这些理论呢?


The 修辞 and 写作博天堂官方网站 doctoral program at BGSU produces future faculty members who:  Appraise methodological, 理论, 以及作为学者参与的教学方法, 老师, and leaders who are responsive to the situated nature of rhetoric and to what students, 校园, 今天的文化和社会需要书写. This outcome is assessed through successful defense of the Preliminary Exams (General Exam and Specialized Portfolio).  Justify interventions in ongoing disciplinary conversations and practices in rhetoric and writing studies through their own research, 理论构建, 和教育学. This outcome is assessed through successful defense of the Prospectus.  Develop impactful rhetoric and writing scholarship rooted in the evolving literacies, 技术, and purposes of diverse learners shaping higher education today. This outcome is assessed through successful defense of the Dissertation.


Ph.D.-级助教奖学金的津贴为15,500美元.00 (in 2020-2021), accompanied by a waiver of all instructional and out-of-state fees. Most assistantship assignments have individuals teach first-year writing, 但是其他的机会是有限的. 另外, students in their final year of the program are encouraged to apply for a 博天堂官方网站 Assistantship to support research work.


图书馆资源- The 杰罗姆·库 houses a collection of more than four million items, 包括书籍, 期刊, 期刊, 缩微过程, 政府文件, 以及其他材料. 它还拥有广泛的在线数据库, 以及馆际互借服务, OhioLink, 俄亥俄州所有公立大学的服务. The library houses a nationally acclaimed popular culture archive, a large collection of women's archives from the 19th and early 20th centuries, 以及教育纪念品中心, an archive of literacy artifacts from 19th century schoolhouses. Library services for graduate students include individualized research strategy conferences.

杰罗姆·库    档案收藏中心    雷 & 帕特布朗流行文化图书馆

计算机设备- The University has over a dozen computer labs featuring PC (Dell) and MAC environments, including a 教师-博天堂官方网站生 Student Workroom dedicated to supporting research projects. The Collab Lab provides support and technology tools to graduate and undergraduate students for all teaching and research projects. 就像校园里的大多数建筑一样, 英语系大楼有无线网络, 还有一个博天堂官方网站生电脑/打印室. 博天堂官方网站生 students have the opportunity to teach in technology rich classrooms throughout the campus.


Dr. 苏·卡特·伍德,项目主管


